.; About me !.

• My real name is Lina, but you can call me Rei on amino or anywhere else!
• I'm an introvert.
• I love to know every little details about a story (even the boring ones).
• I'm really shy.
• I'm a really good listener.
I love my cat. My cat is the best.

.; Before you follow !.

I don't roleplay, don't contact me if that's what u want.
• Please be nice when you contact me, I'm human!
• I won't judge you, so don't judge me and my values.
• If we're not close, don't joke about sensitive stuff it makes me uncomfortable.
Don't interract with me if you're under 17.
Don't spam im pm! I'm a college student and I'm really introverted so I have a hard time with new people and keeping up a conversation if we don't click instantly.

.; Likes !.

Cats, reading, webtoons, manhwa, animes & mangas, k-pop, j-pop, dramas, chilling in front of a show, games, aesthetic, music, tiktok edits, dinos

.; My favs !.

Doctor Who, hoyoverse, hironos, the Last of Us, GTA, ao3, Jurassic Park

.; Hates !.

Heat, spiders, insects, conflicts, waking up early, cherry coke, quenelles, people who don't question themselves and their actions.

.; Comfort !.

SHOWS : Doctor Whoabsolute favorite, Marvel, DC comics, Tim Burton universe, 911 & 911 lone star, mkr, hometwon chachacha, the Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, X-men, Narnia, inside out, etc...

CHARACTERS : Tenth, Tony Stark, Logan, Buck, Mystic, Suzume (Zu), Dushik, Yuta, Harriet Manners, and many many more...